
The effect of stress.


Stress can be defined as the degree to which you are overwhelmed or unable to cope with uncontrolled stress.

What is stress?

At the most basic level, stress is our body's response to stress from situations or life events.  What contributes to stress can vary greatly from person to person and can vary according to our social and economic situation, the environment in which we live, and our genetic makeup.  Some of the common features that can make us feel

stressed include gaining new or unexpected experiences, something that threatens your own feelings or you have very little control over a situation.When we face stress our body is stimulated to produce stress hormones that trigger the ‘flight or fight’ response and activate our immune system .

Sometimes, this stress response can be an appropriate, or even beneficial response.  Feelings of ‘stress’ can help us fall into situations that can be nerve-cracking or intense, like running a marathon, or giving a speech to a large crowd.  If we have short-term stress, we can go back to rest quickly without any negative impact on our health and many people are able to cope with a certain level of stress without lasting effects.

However, there may be times when the stress becomes too much and too many problems have to be dealt with.  If our stress response is repeatedly activated, or it continues over time, its effects can wear and tear the body and make us feel permanently in a ‘fight or plane’ state.  Instead of helping to push us, this stress can overwhelm us or make us unable to cope.

Feeling this overwhelming stress for a long time is often called chronic or long-term stress and it can also affect physical and mental health.

Stress is a response to a threat in a situation, while anxiety is a response to stress.

What puts pressure on us?

There are many things that can lead to stress. 

stress is one of the top ten causes of death, divorce / divorce choices, lost jobs and unexpected money problems.  But not all life events are negative and even like a positive change in life, such as moving to a bigger house, getting a job promotion or going on vacation can be a source of stress.

What are the symptoms of stress?

Emotional change When you create stress you can feel many different feelings including anxiety, fear, anger, sadness or frustration.  These feelings can sometimes feed each other and create physical symptoms that make you feel worse.  For some people, stressful life events can contribute to the symptoms of depression.  

 Work-related stress can also have a negative effect on mental health.  An average of 23.9days of work is lost for each person affected by work-related stress.

Behavioral changes

You can behave differently when you are stressed.  For example, you may be withdrawn, indecisive, or IFrame JS Whats this ? complicated.  You can't sleep exactly . You can be annoying or obscene.  Your sexual habits may change Some people may resort to smoking, consuming more alcohol, or taking drugs. Stress can make you feel more angry or more aggressive than usual.  Stress can also affect how we communicate with our close family and friends.

Physically changes

Some people start experiencing headaches, nausea and indigestion when they are stressed.  You may breathe more quickly, breathe more, throb, or suffer from various aches and pains.  If you are pushing for a short time.There are steps you can take to identify immediate, sometimes unpleasant, stress symptoms and to identify, reduce and eliminate depressing factors that may cause you to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.  Or talking to a close coworker can help you manage your stress.

However, their own individual actions are never enough to reduce long-term stress for everyone.  We can often be attacked by factors beyond our direct control.  The community, the workplace, society and governments all have a role to play in tackling the larger causes of these pressures.This is why stress is another danger that can lead to many accidents at any time in our lives, so we should all be aware of this.To protect ourselves from stress we have to differentiate ourselves.Habits need to be changed, such as eating, drinking, movement, and so on.Nothing should be taken lightly and the feeling of stress remains but managing their activities can help you.The first step in relieving stress is to get help from your family so that they are not interested in anything that matters to you.By adopting various methods we can be protected from the effects of this stress and our life is beautifulCan do.We should all take conscious steps to protect ourselves from the effects of stress and support from all of us to save our lives from accidents in the future.
